
fine scales Learn more about fine scales

  • How much is the market price of cold water fine scale fish per jin? What's the value? How do you raise it? How do you cook it?

    How much is the market price of cold water fine scale fish per jin? What's the value? How do you raise it? How do you cook it?

    Fine-scale fish is a rare cold-water fish, which can be seen in places where the water quality is clear and the current is fast. Its nutritional value is high, so the price is relatively expensive. How much is the market price of fine-scale fish per jin? What's the value? How do you raise it? How do you cook it? The latest market price

    2020-11-11 Cold water fine scales fish market price more less money one jin yes what
  • Artificial culture technique of fine scale fish

    Artificial culture technique of fine scale fish

    Artificial culture technique of fine scale fish

  • Shaanxi Fisheries Research Institute has made a breakthrough in the domestication of Qinling fine scale salmon.

    Shaanxi Fisheries Research Institute has made a breakthrough in the domestication of Qinling fine scale salmon.

    Shaanxi Fisheries Research Institute has made a breakthrough in the domestication of Qinling fine scale salmon.

  • A real version of Yuyue Dragon Gate is staged in the scenic spot! Where exactly? What kind of fish is it?

    A real version of Yuyue Dragon Gate is staged in the scenic spot! Where exactly? What kind of fish is it?

    I believe everyone is no stranger to the story of Yuyue Longmen. Although this is a fable, a realistic version of Yuyue Longmen has been staged in a scenic spot recently! Where exactly is it? What kind of fish is Yuelongmen? Let's follow the editor to learn about it.

    2020-11-11 Scenic spot staged reality version Yuyue Longmen specific where is it?
  • Is wool protein or fiber?

    Is wool protein or fiber?

    Is wool protein or fiber?

  • Sand hidden lily

    Sand hidden lily

    If the lily is buried and stored in fine sand, the oxygen supply for its respiration is limited to a certain extent, which is helpful to prevent aging. At the same time, the temperature and humidity in fine sand are relatively stable. When the lily is breathing vigorously at the initial stage of storage, the sand can absorb part of the water, and when the lily bulb needs water in the later stage of storage, the fine sand can provide part of the water, so that the lily is finally in a more suitable storage environment. Sha Zang can store lilies until next spring. The lily before storage likes to be warm and afraid of cold, and is not resistant to wind blowing, and the scales are easy to turn red and dry after being blown by the wind.

  • Storage and processing of Lily

    Storage and processing of Lily

    First, storage. The newly harvested lilies have high moisture content, exuberant breathing, and easy to mildew if they are not kept well, which affects their efficacy and value. If the lily is stored in fine sand, it can keep both fresh and quality. 1. Raw material treatment before storage: freshly harvested lilies should be placed in a shaded place to avoid sunlight, so as to prevent discoloration and dehydration of outer scales. After digging up the lily bulb, the soil, stem and fibrous root should be removed in time, and then the complete lily bulb with white, large, fresh and disease-free bulb should be stored in different stages. 2. Operation points of sand storage method: ① is in the shade.

  • Storage and processing of lily

    Storage and processing of lily

    First, storage. The newly harvested lilies have high moisture content, exuberant breathing, and easy to mildew if they are not kept well, which affects their efficacy and value. If the lily is stored in fine sand, it can keep both fresh and quality. 1. Raw material treatment before storage: freshly harvested lilies should be placed in a shaded place to avoid sunlight, so as to prevent discoloration and dehydration of outer scales. After digging up the lily bulb, the soil, stem and fibrous root should be removed in time, and then the complete lily bulb with white, large, fresh and disease-free bulb should be stored in different stages. 2. Operation points of sand storage method: ① is in a shady house or basement

  • A Small Edible Fish with High Economic Value--Plagiognathus microlepis

    A Small Edible Fish with High Economic Value--Plagiognathus microlepis

    Microlepis mirabilis, commonly known as Shaguzi, Huangpian, Huangpi, Huangwei Diaozi, etc., is the largest individual in the subfamily Mirabilis. It is a small and medium-sized edible fish widely distributed in rivers and lakes in China. It has high meat content, delicious and tender meat. According to the determination, the internal organs only account for 8%~12% of the body weight, the protein content accounts for 22%, and the fat content accounts for about 2%. It is easy to raise, simple, and has a wide range of food sources. It mainly eats natural food. From the point of view of human consumption, it belongs to a green excellent fish with high economic value.

  • The difference between wool and cashmere

    The difference between wool and cashmere

    The difference between wool and cashmere

  • When is the right time to plant lilies?

    When is the right time to plant lilies?

    When is the right time to plant lilies?

  • Determination of aminophylline tablets

    Determination of aminophylline tablets

    Take 20 tablets of anhydrous theophylline ┄, weigh them precisely, grind them fine, take an appropriate amount (about equivalent to aminophylline lOOmg), put them in a 200ml measuring bottle, add 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide solution 20ml and water 60ml, shake for 10 minutes to dissolve aminophylline, dilute it with water to scale, shake well. Filter, refine the filtrate 5ml, place it in a 250ml flask, dilute it to scale with 0.01mol/L sodium hydroxide solution, shake well, and use spectrophotometry (page 17, appendix).

  • Teach you to deal with scale insects on succulent plants with a few simple steps to prevent pests from happening again.

    Teach you to deal with scale insects on succulent plants with a few simple steps to prevent pests from happening again.

    Some flower friends said that the succulent plants always had scale insects, which felt that they could not be cleaned up at all. In order to avoid infecting other plants, they hurriedly threw away the soil. I saw jade butterflies a few days ago, but not many. I caught them one by one with tweezers. The Black Prince.

  • Propagation technology of lily

    Propagation technology of lily

    It is mainly propagated by scales, bulbs and bulbs. First, cultivate the seed stem (1) scale propagation when the leaves of lilies begin to turn yellow in autumn, select strong and disease-free plants, dig up the bulbs, cut off the base, separate the scales, take the inner scales, plant them in trenches according to plant spacing of 3 cm and row spacing of 17 cm, cover the grass to preserve soil moisture from September to October. After planting, the bulbs grow from the cut, develop into new plants in the spring of the second year, and then colonized or cultured continuously for 3 years in autumn.

  • Huaqiucui koi shows symptoms of disease.

    Huaqiucui koi shows symptoms of disease.

    Hua Qiu Cui Koi introduces the so-called Qiu Cui Koi, which refers to the light yellow koi species of German carp system. Qiucui koi belongs to a hybrid strain. On the back of the fish, a fine arrangement of fish scales extends from the head to the tail of the fish, and there is also one on the side line of the abdomen.

  • Control of pure yellow aphid wasp of brown scale in orange orchard

    Control of pure yellow aphid wasp of brown scale in orange orchard

    [morphological characteristics] the length of the female cicada is 0.92-1.18 mm, yellow and spotless. The posterior edge of the scutellum has dark brown stripes. There are short black stripes at the base of the forewing, dark brown on the ventral side of the antennal stalk, and dark smoke on the rest of the segments. Yellow feet. Compound eyes have fine hairs. The chest hair is thick and black, there are 4 hairs on the scutellum, the length of the forewing is 2.25 times of the width, and the spawning needle is 1.9-2.01 times the length of the tibia of the middle foot. The length of the male bee is 0.71-0.92 mm, the forewing is wider than the female, and the length is wide.

  • Experience and Enlightenment of Agricultural Development in mountainous areas at Home and abroad

    Experience and Enlightenment of Agricultural Development in mountainous areas at Home and abroad

    China is a mountainous country, and the mountainous area accounts for nearly 70% of the national area. How on earth should agriculture develop in mountainous areas (especially in poor inland areas)? To conscientiously study and sum up the successful experience of agricultural development at home and abroad, especially in the mountainous areas around China.

    2016-01-10 At home and abroad mountain areas agricultural development experience and inspiration I
  • Main diseases and insect pests of flowers in summer and their control methods

    Main diseases and insect pests of flowers in summer and their control methods

    Main diseases and insect pests of flowers in summer and their control methods

  • How to identify the age of pigeons

    How to identify the age of pigeons

    How to identify the age of pigeons

  • How to identify the age of pigeons

    How to identify the age of pigeons

    Pigeons generally live for 10 to 15 years, some for as long as 20 years. But as a breeding pigeon, the best breeding age is 2-4 years old, up to 5 years old. Knowing how to identify the age of pigeons is of great significance for timely pairing breeding and breeding. The age identification of pigeons can start from the following aspects. 1. Tip: the older you are, the more blunt and smoother the end of the mouth is. The tip of the pigeon tip is pointed, soft and slender; the mouth of the child pigeon is thicker and hard; the mouth of the adult pigeon is thicker and shorter, and the end is harder and slippery. Because the adult pigeon feeds the squab, the mouth horn grows.
